What is an anotomy ultraound?
Pregnancy Resources
An anatomy ultrasound used to determine your baby’s size, weight and growth.

An anatomy ultrasound is typically the most extensive ultrasound done and often will be used to determine the baby’s size, weight and to measure growth ensuring the fetus is developing according to plan. In addition, the anatomic ultrasound looks at and takes measurements of many different anatomic parts of the fetus.
- Face
- Brain (ventricles, choroid plexus, mid-brain, posterior fossa, cerebellum, cisterna magna, measurements of anterior and posterior horns of lateral ventricles)
- Skull (shape, integrity, BPD and HC measurements)
- Neck (nuchal fold thickness)
- Spine
- Heart (rate, rhythm, 4-chamber views, outflow tract)
- Thorax (shape, lungs, diaphragm)
- Abdomen (stomach, kidneys, liver, bladder, wall, umbilicus, cord, abdominal circumference AC)
- Limbs (femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna, hands, feet femur length FL)
- Genitals (gender, abnormality)
- Cervix (length and opening)