
Prenatal Care Visits


The physicians and staff at Valley Women’s Health are here to help you throughout your pregnancy. Here is what you can expect from your visits to our office.

Your First Visit

  • A complete health history will be obtained, including personal and family history
  • Your physical examination will include a pelvic exam and Pap smear if indicated
  • Prenatal blood testing is drawn which includes:
    • blood type and Rh factor
    • complete blood count
    • antibody screening
    • syphilis, rubella, hepatitis B, and HIV testing
    • a urine sample to be sent for a culture with testing for Chlamydia and gonorrhea
    • additional information from ACOG can be found at Routine Tests in Pregnancy

Subsequent Visits

  • Your weight and blood pressure will be checked each visit
  • An abdominal exam to measure the growth of the uterus and estimate the size and position of your baby will be performed
  • We will listen to the fetal heart rate
  • We suggest you keep a list of questions/concerns and bring them with you to your appointment for discussion with your provider
  • 10‐13 weeks, several optional tests are offered: Cystic Fibrosis, and 1st Serum Integrated screen
  • 15‐20 weeks, optional tests are offered: 2nd Serum Integrated screen, Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) or quad screen
  • 20-21 weeks, an anatomic ultrasound to rule out any fetal abnormalities and to check the sex of baby is offered
  • 24 and 28 weeks, a one hour glucose blood test is done to screen for gestational diabetes, and a blood test to check for anemia is performed. If the mother has Rh negative blood type, there will also be a blood test for Rh antibodies (See the Rhogam for Rh Negative Blood Type post)
  • 32 weeks, from this point, we will begin checking a urine sample at each visit for protein and sugar
  • 30-36 weeks, you will be offered a TDAP vaccination
  •  35-36 weeks, approximately during this period cervical checks begin unless otherwise indicated due to bleeding, contractions, or other complications
  • 36 weeks, a Group B Streptococcus vaginal culture is done to test for carrier status prior to delivery. If your test is positive, you will be treated with antibiotics when you are in labor as a preventative measure for your baby

Appointment Frequency

  • Every 4 weeks until the 32nd week of pregnancy
  • After 32 weeks, every 2 weeks until the 36th week of pregnancy
  • Weekly visits after 36 weeks of pregnancy
  • Postpartum visit 6 weeks following delivery (C-section deliveries may need a 2 week incision check)

Valley Prenatal Book

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