35-36 Week Appointment
Prenatal Care + Group B Strep
Here is what you can expect at your upcoming appointment and at this stage of pregnancy. Some things may vary depending on your personal medical history and current situation.
Your provider will do a fetal heart beat check and fundal height measurement. Cervical checks may be done as well. If needed a group B strep (GBS) swab may be done during this time in pregnancy.
A Group B Strep test is a vaginal/rectal swab that checks for the bacteria beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This is a normal bacteria found on our skin; but because a baby’s immune system is immature at delivery, they can pick up the bacteria and it can cause an infection. If the test comes back positive, you will be given IV antibiotic during labor.
For Your Information:
After cervical exams or intercourse you may experience some spotting This is normal. If you have any bleeding that is heavier, like a period, you should go to Labor and Delivery at your hospital for further evaluation.
If you have any fluid loss or feel your bag of water has broken, you should go to Labor and Delivery for further evaluation.
If you have decreased fetal movement or have not felt your baby move, you should go to Labor and Delivery for further evaluation.
Please note the hospital nursing staff at Labor and Delivery is there to help and reassure you. If you are concerned or just feel that something isn’t right, please do not hesitate to go in.
At Which Hospital(s) Can I Deliver?
Each provider group has specific hospitals that they are credentialed to deliver at. It is the patient’s responsibility to check with their insurance to know which hospitals are covered by their insurance.
We encourage you to contact your insurance and ask them what hospitals you can go to with your insurance plan. Once you know what hospitals your insurance allows you to go to, you’ll want to make sure it is a hospital that your provider group delivers at. Our staff and providers are not able to tell you what hospitals you can go to with your insurance- we want to make sure that you have the correct information directly from your insurance to avoid any expensive out of network costs that can occur by going to a hospital not covered by your insurance plan.