12-19 Week Appointment
Prenatal Care
Here is what you can expect at your upcoming appointment and at this stage of pregnancy. Some things may vary depending on your personal medical history and current situation.
We will review test results that may have been done at your first visit with us. Your provider will check the fetal heartbeat and answer any questions you may have. We will also have you schedule your anatomy ultrasound at checkout. This will be done at 21-22 weeks in pregnancy.
Optional testing that can be discussed. These tests may or may not be covered by your insurance:
- The Quad marker screen is an optional blood test that is done between 16-21 weeks. It is a screening test only and does not give a definitive diagnosis. It will assess your risk of having a baby with neural tube defect and genetic disorders such as down syndrome and Trisomy 18. If abnormal, we will advise further testing.
- Panorama is a DNA screening test that can tell you information about your pregnancy. You can find out if your baby is at risk for having Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. Panorama can also tell you the gender of your baby. Panorama can be done as early as nine weeks into your pregnancy using a simple blood draw.