
A Delivery at 30 Weeks: Kristen’s Birth Story

Birth Stories

My pregnancy was relatively uneventful and healthy. I found out I was expecting the day after Christmas and was due Sep 6th. I saw Dr haskett who is amazing. He always takes the time to sit and let you ask any questions and always comes in with a smile on his face. Pregnancy flow by. At 30 weeks my water ruptured and I was transferred from mt point medical to timpangos regional for the NICU. I also saw the provo group the week I was hospitalized. They were all amazing and made sure to help ease my mind that they would do everything in their power to get my little guy here safely and try to keep me pregnant as long as possible. A week and a day later on 7-9-2018, I went into labor, because it was 3am and no notice my husband was not able to make it so we video called. Dr Broberg was the dr on call and was the best. He stayed calm and helped ease my mind. My little guy came 4 hours later at 7:03am weighing 3lbs 8 oz and 15.75in. The drs did so well at taking all measures that I was told they wished all 31.week babies were as strong as our baby. He was on room air at 3 days and has been doing amazing! I’m so grateful for all the drs that made sure my little guy got here safely.

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