24-29 Week Appointment
Prenatal Care + Glucose Test
Here is what you can expect at your upcoming appointment and at this stage of pregnancy. Some things may vary depending on your personal medical history and current situation.
The provider will do a fetal heart beat check and fundal height measurement as well as answer any questions you may have. If applicable for you, you will be given a glucola drink at this appointment. You will drink this before your next appointment – around 24-28 weeks in pregnancy.
At this stage of pregnancy you should be feeling fetal movement. It is important for you to be aware of your baby’s movements and to know how to do fetal kick counts. For more information, please click Fetal Movement Counting.
One-Hour Glucose Instructions
What Is It? OB patients are screened for gestational diabetes between 26-28 weeks. Screening for this test is completed by means of a blood draw after drinking a 50 gm glucose liquid. Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that sometimes occurs due to genetic factors and/or the metabolic changes in pregnancy. Unlike regular diabetes, women who have gestational diabetes often have no symptoms. Gestational diabetes often resolves itself after delivery. Most women who have gestational diabetes deliver healthy babies. However, gestational diabetes that’s not carefully managed, can lead to uncontrolled blood sugar levels and cause problems for you and your baby. The main problems that can occur are: excessive birth weight, early (preterm) birth, respiratory distress syndrome and/or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) for the newborn.
How Do I Take The Test?
- You will have 5 minutes to drink the entire drink. Your LAST SWALLOW is your START TIME.
- No food or drink after drinking the 50 gm glucose liquid (exception: water is fine)
- Your blood will need drawn EXACTLY one hour after your start time. Please plan accordingly.
- Please arrive 15 minutes early before your glucose test is due and let the receptionist know your start time when you check in.
- PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE for your appointment. For accuracy, this test must be drawn on time. If you are late, you will need to be rescheduled to retake the test another day.