If you could say something to Breast Cancer, what would it be?

The Dear Breast Cancer campaign spreads awareness through collecting short letters throughout the state of Utah written to breast cancer. We want to get responses from all kinds of people, whether it be from patients currently battling breast cancer, survivors of loved ones indirectly affected by breast cancer, or even women who may face breast cancer in the future.

This year, for every letter written, up to $10 will be donated by Valley Women’s Health and Utah Surgical Associates for the medical bills of breast cancer patients in need. Join our cause and show your support with us.

Dear Breast Cancer,

You suck! You are horrible and mean. You don’t discriminate; you upend lives and families of all ages and socioeconomic groups. I have so many friends, neighbors, and family members whose families have been drastically impacted. Surgeries, chemo, radiation…loss of hair, wellness, dignity, jobs, financial stability. Breast Cancer: you suck!

Yours Truly,

Angi, 47

Dear Breast Cancer,

I have been learning a lot about you in my classes recently. I know you can take a lot of peoples lives. I hope mine isn’t one of them. You run in my family, but I hope I can do everything I can to not get you!

Yours Truly,

Shayla, 23

Dear Breast Cancer,

You can’t take my mom from me. You don’t have that power, not today not ever.

Yours Truly,

Carolyn, 30

Dear Breast Cancer,

Breast Cancer Sucks, Stay Away!

Yours Truly,

Nicholas, 25

Dear Breast Cancer,

You might be a part of this earthly life, and I’m not sure how you came to be, but stay away.

Yours Truly,

Anonymous, 55

Dear Breast Cancer,


Yours Truly,

Jenny, 35

Dear Breast Cancer,

You need to get a life of your own. Stop messing up the lives of innocent people. You have no mercy and picked my beautiful mom to attack. She has been through enough, knee replacement surgeries, battle of her mental health, a total ankle and foot reconstruction and you still attacked without thinking. You took away her freedom, her ability to be pain free, you made her feel like less of a woman and you never looked back. You caused a previous injury to be so bad she lost her foot. Go away and never come back. You aren’t welcome here and need to stop causing so much pain.

Yours Truly,

Jenny, 37

Dear Breast Cancer,

Women’s intuition isn’t just a familiar phrase. It is a powerful tool to use when deciphering feelings you get when your body is trying to tell you things are not quite right. I had my mammograms like clockwork yearly because of a heavy presence of cancer in my immediate family. I lost two older sisters to two different forms of cancer, and a third decided on an elective double mastectomy when she was faced with breast cancer…

Dear Breast Cancer,

You suck! You are horrible and mean. You don’t discriminate; you upend lives and families of all ages and socioeconomic groups. I have so many friends, neighbors, and family members whose families have been drastically impacted. Surgeries, chemo, radiation…loss of hair, wellness, dignity, jobs, financial stability. Breast Cancer: you suck!

Yours Truly,

Angi, 47

Watch the video that started the movement.

We’ve created an infographic with all sorts of resources for prevention and awareness.

Why Dear Breast Cancer?

Our goal is to evoke emotion whether it’s positive, negative, hateful, loving, hopeful and everything in between. The more real the response the more impact our campaign will have.
This awareness campaign helps promote talking openly about breast cancer and letting people express themselves freely about it. Our focus is more about building strength through community and connecting people. Utah Surgical and Valley’s involvement is focused around showing support for their patients battling breast cancer or for those who have been through it already. 
We have also created all sorts of infographics and gathered resources to help provide more information and educate people about breast cancer screening, mammograms, and self check tips. If you are looking for more information, please download the Prevention and Awareness PDF located on this page.